Principal's Message

Our commitment to provide a safe environment and engaging classrooms are all ingredients to successful outcomes. Our students come to school to work and their work is learning.

Mrs Nicole Morton

Welcome to Xavier High School

Xavier is a school that places priority on learning in all facets – academically, spiritually, socially and physically.

In our Xavier High School community, we value connection and communication with our parents. 

This Parent Guide seeks to provide new and prospective parents with a range of important and valuable information about our school. As we look to welcoming new families for next year, we hope that you will find, within this guide, details around aspects such as uniform, school fees and resources that are part of a student’s life at Xavier High School.

Our missional values, the 5C’s inspire and guide our community in all of our interactions. We are inspired and guided to be compassionate, collaborative, challenged, courageous and Christ-like. By choosing a Catholic education at Xavier High school for your son or daughter you can be confident in knowing that they are immersed in faith, challenged to succeed in all they undertake and that our pastoral care envelops, supports and enlivens each young person to grow and develop into strong, confident and resilient individuals.

Developing our students to be life long learners

Xavier High School is recognised as a high performing school where academic excellence is relentlessly pursued across all Key Learning Areas and across all stages of learning. At Xavier, students are challenged to strive for success in the pursuit of achieving their goals – regardless of their pathway.

Xavier is a school that places priority on learning in all facets – academically, spiritually, socially and physically. It is a school where teachers strive to provide quality learning experiences in dynamic and modern learning spaces that promote learning growth for all students. Whole school approaches to faith, learning and wellbeing across the school align to our community values and support the development of our young people as they grow into young men and women who are confident, respectful and ready for the world that awaits them. We unequivocally believe that all students are able to find success. For each student this success looks a little different as we acknowledge that every individual in our school community is unique. 

At Xavier we believe each student is responsible for their own learning success. Our co-curricular opportunities across a wide range of sporting and cultural opportunities ensure all of our students can demonstrate and grow their skills and talents in a wide range of arenas. 

Community connection

Our community is inclusive – a place that radiates cultural safety, a community that welcomes and celebrates diversity, a place where all feel a strong connection and where voices of the community are acknowledged, valued and sought to build on the strong Xavier values. We recognise and affirm the inextricable connection between academic achievement and student well being and as a school community we promote the importance of knowing and understanding the students in our care to ensure that we are able to support, facilitate and guide their learning through all the stages of the Curriculum.

Partnering for success

We believe that the partnerships that exist between the school and our families are incredibly important to ensuring that our young people can fully attain their goals and aspirations. Inherent to the success of our students is the strong relationship between parents and school that ensures we are all working towards the success of each student. Open communication, support of school policies, engagement in opportunities to promote learning across the Curriculum are all key elements of a strong and productive parent school relationship.

Passion with purpose

Our purpose here at Xavier High School is to ensure that our students have the opportunity to develop their skills and inherent talents in their areas of passion so that they are informed and prepared for a world beyond high school. We aim to have all of our students leave Xavier High school equipped with the knowledge and understanding to be active citizens in a global world who seek justice for self and others, to be willing and courageous to undertake new challenges and opportunities determined to find success, to understand the benefits of solving problems collaboratively and to be compassionate citizens determined to make a difference in the world. 

We aspire to have students who are the best versions of themselves, proud of who they are, richer for the experiences they have had during their time at Xavier and excited about the opportunities they face, confident and ready to take the first step into employment or further study.

We invite you to explore our community, we look forward to meeting you and joining us in this wonderful faith filled learning community.