
We live in exciting and rapidly changing times; these times mean that education is more important than ever.

Education that prepares young people to be able to be life-long learners, to be able to adapt and adjust to the many changes they will face in their future.

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We assist Catholic families in the formation of their children into mature adults with a love and knowledge of the Catholic faith. Xavier High School is founded on a fundamental belief in Catholic Education as a way to come to know Christ Jesus.

Xavier is a Diocesan school administered by the Principal under the auspices of the Catholic Education Diocese of Wagga Wagga. The Administration is responsible to the Bishop of Wagga Wagga through its Advisory Council.


The school offers opportunities, which encourage each student to strive for excellence and attain his or her full potential spiritually, academically, physically and emotionally. It works to ensure equal educational opportunity by providing the widest practicable range of subjects to both boys and girls and has developed a varied curriculum to meet a full range of students’ abilities and interests, providing a blend of traditional and innovative programs.

As the philosophy of Xavier is based on growth in spirituality, Religious Education is a compulsory study, as is a positive and active participation in retreats, religious ceremonies, worship and community service that are part of the everyday life of the school.

View our previous Yearbooks

2019 Yearbook

2018 Yearbook

2017 Yearbook

2016 Yearbook

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