
Xavier High School is truly Catholic in identity and faith life. We are a centre of sharing the Gospel message in order to enable students to achieve high levels of Catholic religious literacy, learning excellence, wisdom, and commitment to the common good.

Through the formal Religious Education program at Xavier, as well as our Faith Formation Program that we strengthen the Catholic Identity of our school, and provide opportunities for all members of our community to grow in their journey of faith, learning and life.

Faith Formation

Through our Religious Education programme and Faith Formation initiatives, including retreats and formation days, we actively cultivate the Catholic Identity of our school, providing opportunities for all members of our community to embark on a journey of faith, learning, and life.

Xavier maintains an unwavering commitment to faith, with each year level from 7 to 12 benefiting from targeted programmes designed to foster students’ relationships with God.

This is led by staff who assist in enacting these goals by ensuring our school is a place of Welcome, Faith, Service and Learning. The school’s motto, ‘The Truth Will Set You Free’ (Jn 8:32), highlights that all members of the community strive to grow in their understanding of the truth and to experience true freedom as sons and daughters of God.

A Catholic Education

Our Religious Education programmes are founded on being Christ-centred and student-focused. Our work in Catholic education is to create the conditions for students to become fully alive – inspired with a love of learning and a heart of hope.

Xavier High School strives for excellence in learning and teaching across all curriculum disciplines that is infused with a Catholic vision and is embedded with all that our Catholic intellectual tradition offers.

Catholic Identity

Our Catholic Identity is an expression of who we are as a school community. It is emphasised in opportunities for Liturgy, service and social justice. It is visible through our commitment to Christ in the way we call all members of our community to put faith into action, through a variety of experiences which allow students and staff to develop a deeper understanding of their faith and a stronger awareness of God’s presence in their lives.